Having read the majority of these books, I can assure you that there is much valuable information and inspiration that you'll get from them. I'd love to hear from you if these books are of help to you.
Miles Bennett (Feedback form).

  1. Abba Father, the Lord's Pattern for Prayer, by Hughes, R. Kent. 112p.
  2. All the Prayers of the Bible, by Lockyer, Herbert. 297p.
  3. America's Great Revivals, pub. Bethany Fellowship. 95p.
  4. The Coming Revival, by Bright, William (Bill) 221p.
  5. CONCERTS OF PRAYER, How Christians Can Join Together in C. of P. for Spiritual Awakening and World Evangelization, by Bryant, David.159p.
  6. Destined for the Throne, by Billheimer, Paul E. 134 p.
  7. Don't Just Stand There, Pray Something, by Dunn, Ronald. 269p.
  8. 52 Simple Ways to Teach Your Child to Pray, by Hromas, Roberta. 144p.
  9. George Mueller of Bristol, by Pierson, Arthur T. 462 p.
  10. Handle with Prayer, by Stanley, Charles. 120p.
  11. How I Know God Answers Prayer, by Goforth, Rosalind. 127p.
  12. How to Pray, by Torrey, R.A. . 111p.
  13. If You Will Ask, by Chambers, Oswald. 95p.
  14. Jonathan Edwards on Revival, Edwards, Jonathan (selected works) 160 p.
  15. Key to the Missionary Problem, by Murray, Andrew. 173p.
  16. The Kneeling Christian, by an unidentified Christian. 125p.
  17. Let Prayer Change Your Life, by Tirabassi, Becky 185p.
  18. Mighty is Your Hand, by Murray, Andrew. 157p.
  19. Mighty Prevailing Prayer, by Duewel, Wesley L. 336p.
  20. The Ministry of Intercession, by Murray, Andrew. 226p.(copyrighted in 1898)
  21. The Necessity of Prayer, by Bounds, E. M. 144p.
  22. No Easy Road, by Eastman, Dick. 127p.
  23. The Power of Prayer in a Believer's Life, by Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. 192p.
  24. Power Through Prayer, by Bounds, Edward M. 128p.
  25. Prayer- Key to Revival, by Cho, Yonggi. 184p.
  26. Prayer Power Unlimited, by Sanders, J. Oswald. 174 p.
  27. Prayer and Praying Men, by Bounds, E.M. (arr. and paraphrased by David Hazard). 115p.
  28. Praying Hyde, by Carre, Captain E.G. 183p.
  29. Prevailing Prayer, by Moody, D.L. 126p.
  30. Quiet Talks on Prayer, by Gordon, S.D. 170p.
  31. Rees Howells, Intercessor, by Grubb, Norman. 283p.
  32. Revival Lectures, by Finney, Charles Grandison. pub. by Revell 534p.
  33. Revival Praying, by Ravenhill, Leonard 176p.
  34. The Secret of Positive Praying, by Bisagno, John. 174p.
  35. Spurgeon's Prayers, by Spurgeon, Charles Haddon. 159p.
  36. Too Busy Not To Pray, Hybels, Bill. 151p.
  37. Touching Heaven by Prayer, by Saloff-Astakhoff, N.I. 64p.
  38. Touch the World Through Prayer, by Duewel, Wesley. 255p.
  39. Warfare Prayer, by Wagner , C. Peter. 204p.
  40. The Weapon of Prayer, by Bounds, Edward M. 157p.
  41. Unleasing the Power of Prayer, by Bright, Vonette and Jennings, Ben A. 297p.
  42. When You Pray, by Lindsell, Harold. 182p.
  43. With Christ in the School of Prayer, by Murray, Andrew 192p.(copyrighted in 1953).
  1. How to Pray with Power, Nelson, Rev. Norm; Pres. and Speaker- The Morning Chapel Hour
    2 tapes, 4 messages:

Miles E. Bennett
Cranbury, NJ

Page created by Bob Bennett