The following chart came from MONTAGE & ACCESSOIRES VIDEO

Since it's in French, but seems quite straightforward in its content. The following chart equates various tape qualities to a roughly equivalent JPEG quality, then indicates how many minutes of video can be stored at that rate on 1.0, 2.1 and 4.3 GB hard drives. This was on a page specifically about VLM, DraCo and Movieshop.
Le petit tableau qui suit vous permettra d'avoir une bonne idée des durées possibles en minutes.

VHS Haute qualité..........60........22........44........88
SVHS normal................65........18........36........72
SVHS Haute qualité.........70........16........32........64
Hi8 normal.................75........13........26........52
Hi8 Haute qualité..........80........11........22........44
Betacam SP.................90.........9........18........36

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Page created by: Bob Bennett