Movieshop Video to .AVI File Page

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This page lists information on how to convert a Movieshop Scene to a .AVI (or other PC / Mac video file) and related information. These are specifically from Video professionals using the DraCo and Vlab Motion Non-Linear Video Editing systems.

Edit a 60 spot in Movieshop and then put it on disk in a .AVI file or other format that can be used on a PC or Mac on a CD-ROM as a video file. The target data rate is a limit of 180/second audio and video.

How can I get both sound and video into the .AVI file?

===== John Jackman =======================
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996
From: "John P. Jackman" <102623.1457@COMPUSERVE.COM>
Subject: Re: Outputting Movieshop scenes to .AVI files

We're set up to do just this for my wife's multimedia development. We create the actual .AVI on the PC. I generally export the fields, shrink them in IFX, and save as a FLIC anim. I save the sound separately as a WAVE file. I run those over to the PC via TwinExpress on a null modem cable, and load the FLIC and WAVE into either MS VidEdit or (more usually) ULead Media Studio, sychronize, compress, & save AVI.
This is highly reliable.
- John

Please submit your hints and tips for use by DraCo or Vlab Motion owners:

YES, I want to send a hint, tip, or comment!
Bob Bennett

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