Mission of Hope
Bringing Christ To The World

Clyde Dupin Ministries holds "Mission of Hope" crusades in many countries around the world.
Many lives are changed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Many people around the world are praying for these Celebrations as reports of God's work is broadcast.
At least one-thousand people, many coming in well after the celebration started, packed the gymnasium in one high school to hear the gospel preached, many for the first time in their lives.
Most coming from the high school, brought in by the music of saxophonist Donnie Haulk, but many were curious simply about the Americans who had arrived in town. The people have been very receptive to the gospel.
They are curious simply because we are Americans, not too many come this way, and so they're feeling is this is a once in a life time deal for them.
Dr. Clyde Dupin, through an interpreter, shared the Gospel for almost an hour and says he's simply amazed at what God has done. "Tonight I was overwhelmed with both the attendance and the very fact that anyone in a situation like this would publicly respond. It's just absolutely wonderful." Many of those in attendance lost one or both parents in a recent war. Dupin says many of the students took New Testament Bibles and for the first time have it in their native language.
are meeting the needs of orphans with cold medicines, children's aspirin, tooth paste, and antibiotics. Members of the Clyde Dupin team presented this orphanage with checks totaling $11,000. The orphanage, in shambles as of last year, has been rebuilt with help from team members and other organizations. It houses 100 children for both day and full-time boarding. The orphanage is a burning ember of hope and life.
Major James Seawood,
a chaplain with the Stabilization Force in one country says after listening to Dr. Clyde Dupin deliver the gospel message for the past week, it's had a profound impact on his ministry to UN forces. "I don't have
any of Dr. Dupin's tapes, but I think that the very straightforward, simple way that he presents the gospel message, is something that will be incorporated into the messages that I give, just so that I make sure that I always am lifting up the name of Jesus."
During the Celebrations, Seawood received donations of Christian music and magazines from Radio Bible Class to deliver to troops. Seawood says those gifts will help to promote Christian values among troops who are sometimes away from home for three-months to a year.
Our Crusade Director reports: "We expected some opposition ... we had it.
We were amazed at the response each time Dr. Dupin shared the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Clyde Dupin Ministries provided $60,000.00 in medicine, which was presented to hospitals and orphanages by Dr. Wesley Phillips and Dr. Everett Conrad, who are board members of the Clyde Dupin Ministries. Dr. Clyde Dupin told the people that he had come from America with a message of hope. In each city many people responded to the invitation to accept Christ. Our Team returned to America with the knowledge that we had seen a miracle. To God be the glory!"
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